Whitney's Latest Posts

Learning the Why

I participated in a leadership development program over the last year as I looked to continue my...

Why You Need Web Training

Faced with a new challenge you can either muddle your way through not knowing exactly what to do or seek out training. There is a certain pride in being able to say you figured it out on your own, but in many cases simple tasks take longer and you miss opportunities because you don’t know what was possible.

Plug-ins (Not the Air Fresheners)

Wordpress, one of the most popular web design platforms, is essentially a framework which web developers, like Roundpeg, can customize in a variety of ways without the need to do extensive coding because we rely on plug-ins.

Web Fashion: Cover Images and Calls to Action

As you browse through old photos do you laugh at the fashion? Wide ties, leisure suites and hammer style parachute pants, what were they thinking? What about your website? When you look back at old versions on Internet Archive what are the things you still like or dislike?

Web Design First Steps

So your website is out of date but you don’t know what to do, how to do it or where to even start. Stop. Take a deep breath. We have plenty of free resources to help you calm that snowballing anxiety. We want you to take control of your website, and all your marketing for that matter, so we created a series of resources and collected them on our Landing Page Directory. There are whitepapers, worksheets, check lists and audits to guide you as you take control.

Plays Nice With Others

Plays Nice With Others

Coming back to the ‘Peg as someone who has worked here before, I thought I knew what to expect. I knew how the company operated, and I understood the culture Lorraine attempted to created, but some things were different. The team was bigger, and with each new face the company had changed just a little bit.

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He’s Back. Whitney 2.0

He’s Back. Whitney 2.0

If you’re thinking to yourself, “I’ve seen that face before,” you would be correct. Once a part-time employee, I was a part of the Roundpeg team from the spring of 2012 to late summer of 2013 as an Account Coordinator, managing the maintenance side of the web team. Now I am back at the creative, furry office for more fun.

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