I participated in a leadership development program over the last year as I looked to continue my growth journey. I learned many lessons both simple and challenging to me which could apply to both my personal and professional life. One of the most meaningful lessons which can apply to so many areas of my life is understanding why.
As a leader, you may have good reasons for the decisions you make and the things you ask your team to do. Those choices are usually driven by something that influenced you. Your why is the event or person that influenced you. It is what drives you. If, however, you fail to explain your “why” you will have a hard time getting your team on board. But it is more than just your team you need to think about.
Simon Sinek, author of the book Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action, states “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe.” The why is about your passion, it is what motivates you. That passion makes it easier for employees to follow you and it attracts customers.
Think about this in your life.
When you get your teeth cleaned or eyes examined do you want to be the only thing standing between your doctor and his golf game? Probably not. You want to be treated by someone who has a passion for helping people eat pain-free or see better. The why.
So what about your business? Do your customers know your story? This is more than just marketing fluff. Sharing your story with your customers helps you build a relationship as they come to understand the passion you have for your business. The trick is to communicate that passion without being heavy handed because long winded mission statements turn off almost everyone. So you have to find a simple way to communicate your passion and vision.
Sometimes all it takes is the right name. Lorraine founded Roundpeg because she always felt like a square peg in a round hole. This business is about finding solutions which fit. The name immediately communicates that idea of something fitting correctly. And there is no way to find a great solution without getting to know our customers.
So that’s our story.
Everyone who joins the team at the ‘Peg brings a passion for helping businesses tell their story. We do this through website redesigns, content and social media programs, branding and strategy sessions. Understanding the story of a business and finding innovative ways to articulate it across a range of media is exactly what gets us out of bed each morning. We love seeing the success which comes to a client when a business plan comes together.
Whether you’re giving people a new roof for their home, selling the latest and greatest piece of tech or taking care of someone’s landscaping needs, there is a story behind every business. Learning the why can set the vision for your business and learning how to communicate the why to your target audience can change your world.
So what’s your why? When was the last time you thought about it? If you’re having a little trouble figuring out how to start don’t worry, we want to give you our Strategic Planning Worksheet for free! Just click the link below, and you can start your journey.