If you’re thinking to yourself, “I’ve seen that face before,” you would be correct. Once a part-time employee, I was a part of the Roundpeg team from the spring of 2012 to late summer of 2013 as an Account Coordinator, managing the maintenance side of the web team. Now I am back at the creative, furry office for more fun.
What have I been doing since I left you ask? First, I finally graduated school receiving my degree in Business Administration. Diving into the world of small business mindset, I managed a small car dealership; working on budgets and buying and selling inventory. And, for a very short time I even owned and managed a very small business of my own.
If you worked with me previously, you’ll remember I’m a big advocate of relationships and the power they have in our daily lives. Over the last few years, I’ve discovered the value of those strengths, connecting with people, building teams and serving and empowering others to see them grow and succeed.
Coming back to the ‘Peg, I’m looking forward to using those skills with our team and our clients. As the newest member of our web team, I’m responsible for interacting with and training new clients about the basic functions of their beautiful new website. WordPress has certainly changed for the better in the last few years, with new responsive web themes and exciting plugins which allow us to create an amazing range of innovative and effective websites.
In addition to training and web design tasks, I’ll be doubling as the new support contact when our clients are curious about how to add a button here, or post an image there. And when the web updates are more then they can handle, I am looking forward to jumping in and making changes to their sites.
It is exciting to have the freedom to let my creative side show itself again and to help our clients create marketing which positively impacts their business. If we worked together in the past, I am looking forward to getting reacquainted and if you joined the Roundpeg family while I was gone it’s going to be fun to get to know you and your business.
Questions about your website? Give me a call or hit me up on social media and strike up a conversation.