Know Your Hosting

Do you know who hosts your website? Many small business owners aren’t sure, or find that it’s resting on a server in your friend’s basement closet. Your business is your baby, and you put your heart, soul, time, and resources into keeping the wheels spinning. If you aren’t sure where your website is, does that voice in your head keep asking you, “What if something happens to those servers? Do I have the knowledge and resources to keep my site up?”

There are plenty of hosting companies out there that remove that headache and take care of everything for you. These companies offer multiple back-ups in case of fire or flood. Not to mention it doesn’t have to be the worst that happens–what if you get hacked or the files become corrupt? How’s that friend’s basement looking now? Are you covered? The fact is, for just a small amount of money, these hosting companies not only host your site, but have a support team available to help fix even the tiniest of issues. Add it all together and you can reduce the gray in your hair in no time.

Once you’re ready to move your site to a hosting company, great. We still have a problem, though. With so many different companies, how do you know which one is right for you? There really isn’t just one straight answer. It would be like asking which car would be best for you, a Ford, Chevy, Chrysler, etc. While they may have slightly different configurations, they all basically do the same thing. Take a look at this quick and simple guide to see what some big hosting companies have to offer:

GodaddyNetwork SoultionsHostmonsterBluehost1&1Host Gator
Reg Price/On Sale Price5.99/1.9912.95/5.996.95/4.956..95/4.954.99/0.993.96
Available Disk Space100GB300GBUnlimitedUnlimited50 GBUnlimited
Email Accounts1001000UnlimitedUnlimited250Unlimited
Google Adwords CreditN/AN/A$100$100N/A$100
Free DomainYesYesYesYesNoNo

All have their advantages and disadvantages, and many have excellent support as well in case you break down. If you have more questions, then contact the Roundpeg team, and we will gladly help you make the right decision.

photo credit: getButterfly via photopin cc