Everyone knows the importance of passwords, right? Many of us just think of something of their interest, and that’s easy to remember. What happens when the password to something major like your website or bank account gets hacked, cyberpunks infiltrating your site with spam comments, skewing your page views, or even worse, taking your site offline. Even if any of these scenarios don’t come to fruition, you still have a shady source accessing your information putting you in a compromising position.
Creating a strong and secure password can be challenging at times. The first and easiest thing to do is make sure the password has a good amount of length to it. Eight to 12 characters is usually a great length. If you have stumbled through all of these steps and you still can’t find the door off the struggle bus, then you can always find a good password generator online. These are sites where you set the parameters of the password and it randomly generates one for you. Typically more unique characters than actual letters to ensure a high level of security.
The biggest step that has to be taken, no matter what type of password you are creating, is documentation. Make sure you document every single password that you have created. Save this for your records, that way, when and not if you forget your password, you will always have a point of reference to fall back on. This step should be repeated for any type of business password. A backup is always strongly recommended of your password file.
With the rise of instantaneous electronic transfers, strong and secure passwords play a bigger role than once before. Taking that extra step up front when creating said password can make all the difference, giving you peace of mind and saving you time in the end when attempting to recover from a password cracker, spammer or hacker.
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