Jennifer's Latest Posts

So Long, Farewell

On a small patch of earth, located in the no-man’s-land between Indianapolis and Carmel, sits a...

The “Micro-Moments” of a Customer Journey

According to Google, the average smartphone owner checks their phone around 150 times a day. In 150 of these small moments, in between texts with friends and taking photos of cats, a consumer is also using their phone to research things to buy, look up a restaurant menu, or find the hours of an attraction. These little moments are all building blocks of a journey that will end in a purchase. The customer journey, once just a path of a few predictable steps, is now a complex maze of moments and decisions, and all because of the smartphone.

Social Media Foodie Wars

Foodies, those who are often found looking up food content online, are a social people. They use social media to its fullest, photographing dinners to post, seeking out food brands to follow and searching for recipes to make. They’re everywhere, but which social media platform do they use the most?

Better Together: Email Newsletters & Blog Posts

When clients are first introduced to content marketing, there are usually two elements that are, at first, hard to distinguish from one another. The email newsletter and the blog post are two types of content that can help spread awareness of your small business and are important in reaching your audience.

Editing Your Own Writing

The best thing for your writing is to have an editor. That said, sometimes you’re all you got. If you work in an industry that has busy seasons, or one that has a staff that is labor-based, you may not have the time or manpower to get an editor. Or maybe you wrote a juicy tell-all about your life and your friends are no longer speaking to you.

Summer in Indy

Summer in Indy

Ahhh, summer in Indy. Is there a more perfect time? Everything is green again and everyone wants...

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