
When clients are first introduced to content marketing, there are usually two elements that are, at first, hard to distinguish from one another. The email newsletter and the blog post are two types of content that can help spread awareness of your small business and are important in reaching your audience.

Blog Posts

The first distinction between the two is that a blog post is published on your website. It can contain news or events from your business or helpful tips for your audience, a good blog contains posts covering a mix of several topics.

Blogging helps your business in a number of ways. Think of it like this, once your website is built, you probably don’t change it much. So with each passing day, your website becomes more and more irrelevant to search engines. Why would someone look at your website when they could look at one that’s updated every day with new information? How does a competitor add new information every day or week? By blogging.

Another benefit of blogs is that they are easily shared. Whether your audience is on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn, having new content to share gives them a reason to visit with your business every day (or week, or month, depending on your frequency of posts).

Email Newsletters

An email newsletter is not published on your website. Email newsletters are typically created through an email marketing platform like Constant Contact, which provides you with several services. They provide a place to collect and organize your contacts, a template with which to build your email and scheduling and sending services.

The benefit of an email newsletter is that it’s delivered directly to a customer. No need to go looking for your business, you come to them. An email newsletter will always link back to your website, which drives traffic to your website. Adding something customers can’t get on your website, like a coupon or a special offer, will help grow your relationship and encourage customer loyalty.

How Email Newsletters and Blog Posts Work Together

As you can see above, each of these elements reaches a different audience. That’s why it’s a smart idea to combine the two. It can be intimidating to think of new topics for blog posts and email newsletters each week, that’s why it’s a good idea to combine them. The combination will give customers who don’t read your blog motivation to visit it.

If you use this method of content generation, it gives you the benefits of both the blog and email newsletter, while freeing up the time you’d normally have to dedicate to both. You can get back to doing what you do best – running your business.

Still confused?

If you’re still a little unsure of what these two pieces of content are or how they work together, get in touch with Roundpeg. We’d be happy to talk you through it.

