Yesterday I shared a list of the most popular posts on Business Notes from Roundpeg.  Although a nice cross section of our content, I noticed many of my favorite posts were not on the list.

Maybe I published them at the wrong time, or maybe my original title just didn’t grab my followers on twitter or visitors to my website,  so I decided to give them another chance.  Of the hundreds of posts written so far this year, these are my personal top ten.  If you missed them the first time around, and based on the statistics, I guess most of you did, here they are once again.

  1. What Small Business Owners Can Learn From My Father-in-Law
  2. Your Blog, Your Voice
  3. Bad Customer Relations is Worse than No Customer Relations
  4. Discount Tire Gets My Vote – This one made the Top Ten List yesterday too.
  5. Sometimes You Need To Try Something Completely New
  6. Economic Roadkill
  7. Small Biz Strategies from the Tortise
  8. Twitter is Not Broccoli
  9. Fairy Tales – Lessons for Life and Small Business
  10. Say Less – Listen More