Myron Ball, my father-in-law turns 85 today. Alert and very independent, he still drives (though maybe he shouldn’t) to see friends and patients. A podiatrist, he has outlived most of his patients, but he still makes house calls to elderly (what is elderly when you are 85?) shut-ins and nursing home residents.
Myron still travels, mostly here in the US these days, but also enjoys time at home with his wife, his friends, family and a good glass of wine or scotch.
He had to give up tennis a few a years ago, but he still works in his yard, and leads a weekly philosophy discussion group.
So what’s the lesson? Life changes, and you have to change with it! Even if you have a successful business model, you need to continue to innovate, because in an instant, the market may disappear. You must always be learning something new in preparation for the next big thing.
My father-in-law has written several books. The first one he typed, and gave to an editor to produce. By the time he finished his third one, he was doing research on the internet and using Microsoft Word to prepare the manuscript. What about you? What have you learned lately? What new information will you use to grow your business?