Leisha's Latest Posts

Don’t Fear the Facebook Pixel

I started hearing more about Facebook pixels about 6 months ago and for the most part, I largely avoided them. Facebook’s advertising analytics do a great job of tracking ads. I really didn’t see a huge need to go down the path of pixels when I already had a tracking system that worked.

Facebook Business Page Set-Up: The Highlights

If you run a small business, you need to be on Facebook. No exceptions. One of the first places people go when looking for business information is Facebook. We’ve already talked extensively about why small businesses need a presence on the social channel, so today I want to hit the highlights of a few of the most important things to do when setting up a business page account.

What Success Looks Like on Reddit

Ah Reddit, where cat memes rule and everyone is anxiously waiting for you to spell something wrong. Known as ‘the front page of the Internet,’ it’s long been a social channel marketers are dying to tap into. Curious about what works on Reddit and what might encourage angry pitchfork raising? Read on.

It’s Time to Turn Notifications Off

Between all of my social media accounts, personal email, professional email and text messages, it feels like my phone never stops buzzing. As someone who can’t function when there’s a little red missed message icon, it’s best to step away from the work email and take some time for myself.

Give G+ A Chance

Give G+ A Chance

Lately, I’ve been bored with Google +. I know it’s important to stay up to date with the platform and post original content, but honestly, it started to feel like a content graveyard where I dumped the daily post. I decided to try something new and shake things up and this is what I found.

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Press releases get a bad reputation for being a little spammy and really unhelpful, but those things are usually only true if the press release is put together without care and sent to the wrong people. There are a few things you can do to make sure your press release has a better chance of being picked up by the media (or at least read before sent to the trash can).

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One Size Does Not Fit All

One Size Does Not Fit All

We talk a lot about how what you measure matters. The metrics you keep an eye on matter so much in fact, that they are rarely one size fits all across companies with different needs and marketing strategies. This leads to the issue of compiling reports and finding out what exactly is important to business owners.

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The Rise of the Apps

The Rise of the Apps

Content and feature heavy social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn had so many functions the transition to mobile proved to be difficult. The apps were clunky and crowded in comparison to single function apps like Snapchat and Instagram.

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Google Chrome Extensions Worth Using

Google Chrome Extensions Worth Using

Social media takes time. If you are committed to staying on top of social, crafting tweets and managing profiles takes a big chunk out of your day. Of course, there are things you can do to cut down on the time investment, but even using scheduling tools you’re still going to spend time creating content and digging around the internet to find interesting and relevant articles to share. A few weeks ago I found a list of Google Chrome plugins that help streamline content marketing and make daily functions of the job easier, faster and more efficient. After trying them out, these are the 3 that noticeably increased my efficiency.

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Social Media: A History

Social Media: A History

If you’ve been interested in the internet from its early years, or just an internet history buff, you might remember social platforms as, Bulletin Board Systems or “BBSes”. These online meeting places were little more than strings of code that allowed users to talk to one another using phone line access. We have come a long way since BBSes in the way we share content, The content itself has evolved with the internet, what it’s capable of and what we as users expect to gain from social sharing.

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Facebook Advertising: Audiences

Facebook Advertising: Audiences

Facebook advertising can be a cheaper alternative to traditional advertising channels (newspaper ads, TV commercials, or billboards). To get started we should take a close look at why targeting ads is so important. If your ad is targeted to the right audience, you are more likely to gain conversions from the ad, all while spending less money. The goal is to advertise to a specific group of people based on their location, demographic information, interests and behaviors. By knowing these things about people, Facebook gives us the ability to create specific audiences that are more willing and interested to hear what we have to say. So let’s look at these a little closer to understand why it’s important to take the time to specify audiences.

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