If your potential employer is a corporation or school system, a blocked Twitter account probably won’t raise any red flags, but if you happen to be applying for a digital marketing role, it tells a different story.
The last few weeks here at The Peg have been filled with interviews, resume reviews and online profile stalking. A big part of our day is spent on social media for clients and for us. An active social profile is part of the job description. When we come across a blocked profile, it raises a few questions.
What is Your Blocked Twitter Account Hiding?
This is always my first reaction. We’re a laid back group here at the little white house. Whatever you have posted on your Twitter feed (assuming you’re a rational person who understands social media isn’t the place for profane rants or inappropriate photos) you’re not likely to offend anyone here. Potential employers will typically appreciate someone with a bit of personality. A blocked account makes me think the worst, without giving you the opportunity to prove me wrong. If you’re applying for a job and have concerns about the content on your Twitter feed, take some time to clean up the content.
Do You Know How to Use Twitter?
If you don’t use Twitter regularly, I assume you can’t use Twitter. Sure you can figure out how to post an update, but when I say use Twitter, I look for someone who demonstrates they understand the subtleties of the platform; what kind of content is likely to generate responses and interactions. Professional Twitter accounts are fine as an example, but a personal account shows me you know how to use it, enjoy using it and gives me a glimpse of your personality.
Half attempts at Twitter accounts are easy to spot. Three tweets in the last year? Yeah, my guess is you hadn’t thought about your Twitter account until it came time to send out those job applications. It’s easy to fix this issue. Just get started. Jump in and try it out. Have some conversations and beef up that account to demonstrate your social IQ.
Locked accounts are often created because people want to keep personal information personal, but Twitter isn’t Facebook. You can create an interesting profile, without being very personal. Your followers are more likely to be strangers and they don’t need to know what your relationship status is, or what event you are attending tonight. Locking your account to prevent people from seeing that kind of information simply demonstrates you don’t know the difference between the platforms.
Do You Enjoy Social Media?
Twitter isn’t for everyone, but when applying for a digital marketing position, it’s pretty important that you like social media. The beauty of the variety of social platforms available today is finding the one that appeals to you the most. Like photos? Instagram is the place for you. Looking to connect with family and friends and share news, Facebook is probably your social hangout space. As a social media professional, all of the platforms have to become your specialty. You may prefer one or the other but need to be proficient on all platforms, because our clients have different needs.
We don’t base our entire decision on your social profiles, but it does help us get to know you. Don’t be afraid to show some personality. It might even help your chances of landing a job at a creative agency.
Roundpeg is an Indianapolis content marketing firm.