So here we are, the week after the big game. The weather held, the crowds behaved and Indianapolis shined. Back to business as usual? Here’s hoping that our city benefits in ways that can’t be seen or felt yet.
Although the splashy events are fun and memorable, it’s the day-to-day consistency of who we are that lands the big deals. Are you putting in the time on a regular basis to make that happen in your world?
Here’s a recap of our blogs from the last week:
Saturday – Faces of Roundpeg: Allison
Lorraine pays tribute to our word wizard.
Sunday – Blog Voice: Formula, Formal or Real?
Your blog voice should reflect a style which is natural for you.
Monday – Talking About Social Media
Social Media is currently a broad subject, it is important to identify which components of social media are the most advantageous for your business.
2012 Social Media Survey
It’s that time of year again, we are conducting or annual Social Media Survey–we need your help. Here’s the survey.
Tuesday – Social Media Starter Kit
Here are the basics to get the novice started in the Social Media arena.
MTFW: Bridging the Online/Offline Divide
This week we talk to Randy Clark about the importance of face-to-face networking in a digital world.
Wednesday – Don’t Be Such a Square
Jenna’s thoughts on the recent rebranding of JCPenney.
February Press Refresh: Blogging Strategies
Press Refresh is a series of classes offered to current and past Roundpeg web design clients. February’s topic is blogging strategies.
Thursday – Why Vulnerability Is a Great Marketing Strategy
Allison believes that that transparency and vulnerability are part of a good marketing strategy because there’s genuine value in showing that you’re a human being who’s constantly changing and evolving.
Friday – A Website with a Mission
A new website design that blends social action with business.