Winter officially started this week…..and still it rains here in Indianapolis. Maybe Santa will show up this year in an ark instead of a sleigh? In case you’ve been busy with holiday preparations, here’s a recap of what was on our mind this week.
Happy Holidays from the crew at Roundpeg.
Saturday – Faces of Roundpeg: Can I Help You? Amy, Annalise & Erica
A few of the many young professionals who began their careers at Roundpeg and helped us grow into the company we are today.
Sunday – How to Make the Social Media Boom Last
In another guest post by Lindsey Paho, she asks what’s next for social media.
Monday – Clean Up on Aisle Purple
Peter explains why he contained the color purple in one of our newer web redesign projects.
Tuesday – Using Editorial Calendars for Social Media
Use your calendar as a cheat sheet to keep your social media efforts on track.
MTFW Email Marketing Starts with a Great List
Although our intention was to pass on this week’s broadcast (last minute shopping anyone?), Troy Hanna, the new kid at AddressTwo stopped by to chat.
Wednesday – Yellow Page Advertising? Seriously?
Yellow pages are rarely used in this digital age, here are some things to think about before commiting to dollars spent on yellow page ads.
One More Network, One More Measure
Lorraine explains the statistical measures provided by Google+ and how she uses them.
Thursday – Who Are You in 140 Characters or Less?
What should your twitter handle say and what does it say about you?
Friday – 2011 Greatest Hits
Our top ten most popular blog posts.