The devs over at Alphabet are not just trying to bolster their profit; they’re trying to make something that could be problematic better and more secure.
Design Thinking for Marketing Professionals
What is design thinking and how can marketing professionals use it to their advantage? To keep it...
Marketing is a Science
I have always believed in both marketing art and marketing science. Marketing art is found in the...
Master Your Podcast Marketing Strategy in 2020
Finding the Right Podcast Marketing Strategy With so many podcast marketing strategies to choose...
Home Service Companies Need to Prepare for the Worst
Successful home service marketing relies on preparation Recent events have proven that life as a...
Optimize Your Google My Business in 2020
If you're trying to boost your local SEO, it's time to give Google My Business a chance. For a...
That’s a Wrap February 2020
February may have been a short month, but we have been very busy at the 'Peg. Here's a roundup of...
Pinterest for Business: 4 Things I’ve Learned in 4 Months
I am a woman of many hats, with labels shifting where ever I go. Roundpeg clients know me as their...
How to Improve Your Email Marketing
Start Today to Improve Your Email Marketing Email marketing is a powerful and essential component...
Branding Your Beans: Indianapolis Coffee Roasters
There are a latte brands out there. Some are on-brand dead eyes and some seem a little au Lait to their own party.