Aren’t the weeks after holidays supposed to be slow? If so, we missed the memo this week. It’s been non-stop chaos at the ‘Peg, but we wouldn’t trade it for the world. In case your week’s been similarly hectic, catch up on our most recent blog posts:

Saturday – Social Media, SEO & Spider Slaying
Interns come to us knowing they’ll learn a lot about Internet marketing. They don’t always expect that they’ll be called upon to exterminate the office of creepy crawlies.

The 3 “R’s” of Blogging (and the 2 “P’s”)

Get the basics of blogging with this simple, practical PowerPoint presentation outlining what you need to know before you put your fingers to the keys.

Sunday – Survey Says: Social Media Spending is Still Pretty Low

We’ve been yammering about our social media survey for months now, and the results are finally coming in. In this first of a series of posts, learn about social media budgets in small businesses.

Monday – A Clean Start for Clutter Bugs

Not all bugs are bad bugs. Jenna designed this ladybug-themed logo that’s cuter than a button.

MTFW: Survey Says:

More on our survey. Listen as Allison and Lorraine break down the results of our survey with some surprising statistics on social media usage in the small business community.

Tuesday – A New Destination for Demolition

When you’re putting a website together, don’t forget that your own pictures are the most powerful sales tool you have. Say it with a photo!

Wednesday Survey Says: Here’s Where Small Businesses are Spending Time

In a small business, time and money are always tight. So when it comes to social media, how are they putting those limited resource to work? Get the skinny.

Welcome to Twitter

Many people underestimate the power of Twitter at first, but they usually come around to its charms. Learn how Twitter can help your business, and download a free PowerPoint to get you started.

Thursday Sales Lessons from Emilee

Teachers are everywhere, if you know where to look for them. You can even glean some important lessons from a two-year-old girl.

From Random Strangers to Raving Fans

Email marketing is the perfect tool to engage prospects, get them into your sales cycle and make them into fans for life. Learn how to make email marketing a critical part of your sales loop.

Friday White Space: Let Your Graphic Design Breathe

White space can be the difference between a design that blends in and one that stands out. Learn why you need to curb your urge to overstuff your graphic designs with content. Let that copy breathe!