Clutter Bugs is a new professional organizing and consulting company. They asked us to develop a logo to reflect the clean style and fun personality of the company. I knew right off the bat I wanted to keep it simple. It may just be the designer in me, but I personally wouldn’t trust a company with a cluttered or busy logo to help me clean and organize my home.
The client intends to use the logo on everything from the website to vehicle decals and branded clothing. So the design had to work well in small and large formats. I wanted this logo to be primarily text-based, so I chose two distinct fonts which would stand out and make this logo unique. The contrasting weights balance each other out and keep the logo from feeling either too heavy or too light.
The client wanted to incorporate a ladybug into the design, without being too cliché. I decided to keep the graphic pretty simple, creating a small ladybug to sit on the curve of the S. It gave the design a bit of personality and whimsy, but was small enough that it didn’t steal the show.
When it came color, I decided not to use a true red because the ladybug was already so literal. I went with maroon because it felt more sophisticated, while still allowing the ladybug to be easily recognizable.
The logo is clean, sharp and represents what our client envisioned for the Clutter Bugs brand. It’s has just the right amount of personality, but most importantly there is no clutter!