Another busy week at Roundpeg. We interviewed several potential summer interns, enjoyed the unseasonal weather on our bonus day and as always, we made the time to blog. If you were caught up in the beautiful weather and missed our thoughts, here’s a quick synopsis:
Saturday – Leap! There is Water in the Pool
Lorraine works best when her team has her back.
Sunday – Small Business Owner Looking for Love
We are looking for someone with fire, passion and real interest in what we do.
Monday – Outsource Marketing: How to Get Ready
Thinking you want to outsource marketing at your company? Guest blogger Robby Slaughter provides guidelines on what you need to do to be truly ready to outsource your marketing to a third party.
Tuesday – Brand Awareness is a Waste of Time
If building brand awareness is your end game, if you have no strategy to convert awareness to interest or purchase, it is a waste of time.
More Than a Few Words with @AroundIndy
This week we spoke with Bob Burchfield, the man behind, a local events website that not only celebrated 10 years on February 1, 2012 but ranks in the top 1% of all web sites in America, according to
Wednesday – The Extra Day
Don’t limit yourself to an extra day once every 4 years, make every day an extra day.
Thursday – Who Are You Blogging For?
Allison suggests that unless you know your audience, your use of blogging for business may not be worth the effort.
Friday – The New Facebook Timeline
Gnash your teeth and rend your garments: Facebook has done it again. The reigning king of social networks has completely changed the layout and functionality of its fan pages, switching from the classic view to a new look that emulates Timeline, which has been available on user profiles for some time now. Yes, that means it’s time to scratch the look of your Facebook page and start over. Again.