101 Goals in 1001 Days

by Dec 1, 2012Marketing, Strategy | Entrepreneurship0 comments

Researching the topic of goals and goal setting, I stumbled across the story of Alex Leeds who set a goal of accomplishing 101 goals in 1001 days.  It took her almost 3 years to work her way through this incredible list.

She has done some things I never want to do such as dye my hair blue and corset stitch a t-shirt. But as I read her list, I started to think about what I would like to do in the next few years. I realized that continuing to grow Roundpeg is at the top of my list, but it isn’t the only thing on my list. I want to travel, maybe compete in a mini triathlon (if I can just make time to swim more often), take another art class or two, and make time to post more regularly to LorraineBall.com.

The bottom line? It’s too easy as a business owner to let your business consume you. Mine did for a number of years. It’s interesting that when I expanded my interests again and made time for other things, my business grew. So as you are working on your goals for 2013, don’t just focus on the business, focus on personal goal setting too. When you do, it’s easier to think about building a business to support the life you want.