It’s been just a little quieter this week at the ‘Peg. With Whitney and Rebecca out of the office for some well-deserved R&R, the rest of us are hustling. In case you’ve been as busy as we’ve been, here’s what you missed:
Saturday Don’t Forget About Email Marketing
Social media is like the pretty new girl at school. Everyone’s rushing to be her friend, to make sure they get on her good side. But in your rush to woo the sexy new kid, don’t ignore that old queen bee email marketing. She might still steal your lunch money.
Sunday Social Media for Business and Pleasure
What’s your go-to social network for business? How about just for fun? We asked small businesses that very question, and the results were surprising. See how you stack up.
Monday Own Your Logo
So you’ve got a logo. Great! Is it in the right format to be useful? If not, you might run into big problems down the road. Peter offers practical advice on making sure your logo is usable everywhere you need it.
MTFW The Next Great IdeaThis week, we spent time with Brandon Corbin, Indianapolis serial inventor and serial entrepreneur. Learn about why you should fail big and how Indianapolis is becoming the biggest town in marketing technology.
Tuesday Let a Toddler Show You How to Tie Your Shoes
Our intern Jessica is eager to tell you what she’s discovered by listening to social media rookies: Don’t be such a know-it-all. You can learn so much by just being willing to learn.
June Press Refresh: Round Table
It’s your turn to ask all the questions you want. In our latest Press Refresh, our agenda is entirely set by you. So join us at 4:00 on Tuesday, June 19 at the Roundpeg offices, 1003 E. 106th St, Indianapolis for a fun, casual round table on all things web design. This class is open only to Roundpeg web design clients.
Wednesday Small Business Focus – 2012 Social Media Survey
It’s here! Download your very own copy of our 2012 Social Media White Paper and learn what’s changed among small business social media use in the past year. The results might just surprise you.
This social media site is not as complicated as it may seen. Lorraine’s LinkedIn how-to gives networking advice so you can make a positive impression on colleagues and professionals around the globe with your small business social media efforts. Go on, get “connecting!”
Thursday Logo Under Construction: The Denney Companies
Specialists in demolition, Indianapolis based Denney Excavating is often one of the first crews on a construction site, demolishing what is there so something else can be built. That’s what we did with their logo. Step-by-step, we remodeled their logo for a cleaner, more modern look. Logo no longer under construction.
Friday Twitter’s New Haircut
Twitter’s confidence in their brand inspired them to give Larry the bird a haircut. Following in the footsteps of universally recognized brands like Nike and Apple, will this be good for the brand? We’ll find out.