Friday – Social Media at Any Age
Lorraine and Allison share the misconceptions people have about each of us, and our ability to take on the challenges of social media.
Meet Scott Pfeiffer The last of our summer interns has started, learn more about him.
Saturday Radio Shift
Blogtalk Radio will replace Roundpeg Radio. Tune in live starting Friday, May 27th from 12:30-1. A recording of the program will be available on our website, Podbean and as a download from iTunes. A recording of the program will be available on our website, Podbean and as a download from iTunes.
Sunday – Can You Train Your Customers?
What issues are holding you back from being a better sales person?
Monday – Facebook Still #1 for Small Business Social Media
A year ago we conducted a survey to see how business owners used Social Media. A year is a long time in the world of technology so as we collect data the results have changed from last year.
Tuesday – Finding My (Writing) Voice
Melissa shares what she’s learned in 2 weeks interning at Roundpeg.
Wednesday – Week Two: New Goals
Scott shares how his summer goals have changed after only one week at Roundpeg.
Thursday – 6 Signs Your Social Media Rockstar Is Full of Crap
How to sort out the social media professionals from the gurus, ninjas, evangelists, divas, socialites and rockstars.
Friday –
More than a Few Words – Blogging Tips for Small Business Owners
This is our first live broadcast from BlogTalkRadio. If you missed the conversation, you can still listen to the recorded version here.
Whatever Happens, Happens For the Best
As we say hello to our interns, we are also getting ready to say goodbye as our extraordinary graphic designer, Taylor heads off to a really cool gig in Florida. We will miss him like crazy, but we are so excited that he is going to get to live his dream.