Saturday – All Star Email
Roundpeg has been recognized as the 2010 All Star Award from Constant Contact. Lorraine explains why she jumped on the Constant Contact bandwagon years ago and why it is still part of Roundpeg’s marketing strategy.
Sunday – Psychographics, Beyond the Numbers
Information about how two people in the same demographic segment will have very different psycho graphic profiles and how this information can be used to determine who is most likely to buy from you.
Monday – Business Plans for Marketing Firms
Lorraine suggests that business plans for marketing firms are not so different than business plans for any small business, she shares some of her tips here.
Tuesday – Klout Revisited
At one time, Alison thought Klout had the chance to be a useful tool in the social marketer’s toolkit. She’s now convinced that they squandered that by not working properly and making people focus too much on a number instead of reaching out to the people they’re supposed to care about.
Wednesday – Writing for Search — Writing for People
Your web copy should be written primarily for your client base but it is important to keep search engine optimization in mind, here are some tips on how to do that.
Thursday – Hardworking….Really?
You need to be more than hardworking to land an internship at Roundpeg. We’re done with intern interviews and dream about the next greatest reality show to determine who will be our interns for the Summer of 2012.