At Roundpeg, we work with small business owners to develop an overall marketing strategy. These strategies almost always include a social media component; blogging, facebook, twitter and or linkedin. As a result, we spend a lot of time talking about how much personality do you allow to come through?
While the point of social media is to create relationships on a more personal level with clients, prospects and referral sources, there is still the question of “how personal?” How much do your customers really want to know about you?
This is a topic I have wrestled with personally. While I am comfortable with a more relaxed approach in my comments on twitter, I am not always sure how much of that I should let bleed through to this blog.
So recently, I took a look at some of my favorite blogs to see how these writers find their balance. Let me start off by saying, I like all of these blogs, and don’t think any of the authors have made right or wrong choices, simply different ones.
After checking them out, you decide, which style is right for your blog?
Louis Gray writes a pretty tech-focused blog. I usually turn to him when I want to know about the latest news from google, friendfeed, or Silicon valley in general. But along the way, I have watched his twins grow up, and recently read about his experience during the 1989 earthquake in California. I feel as if I know Louis Gray.
In contrast, I really do know Kyle Lacy so when I read his blog posts, I can hear his voice coming through. I can almost see his eyes rolling when he talks about something he thinks is foolish. However, if I didn’t know Kyle, I am not sure I would know much about him from his blog. He writes about his attitudes and his opinions, but not himself.
Seth Godin seems to follow a similar model. He is sarcastic, funny and to the point. Reading his short posts I can imagine what he would sound like in person, but if I want to learn about Seth, I need to go elsewhere.
Chris Brogan is another of my favorite authors, he intersperses video in his posts which allows you to meet the real Chris. This is one of my favorite of his posts where he talks about finding his voice
These are all popular business blogs. All successful, all different. So which approach is right for you? Only you can decide. For me, I have noticed some of our more personal posts ( not just one’s I have written) get great traffic and comments, so I am going to keep up the mix. What about you?
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