Business Plan Lesson 5: Operations

by Oct 2, 2009Strategy | Entrepreneurship, Blog, Roundpeg

This is the fifth part of a ten part series on business planning. If you want to be sure to see all the posts sign up for the Free Weekly Business Planning Series and receive a blank business outline too.

If the strategy section outlines where you are going, the operations section describes the type of fuel you will put in your engine. Here you begin the process of dividing the tasks and responsibilities so no important details are forgotten and resources are allocated appropriately.

Sales and Sales Management – The plan should include discussion on who will conduct sales and how they will be trained and compensated.

Manufacturing/Supply – Think of manufacturing in broad terms. What is your process for creating and delivering your product or service?

Staffing Issues – Summarize the current key job descriptions and outline a plan for business continuation.

Controls – Record keeping and documentation are important parts of your business. Lenders look to your records to be sure there is adequate control over finances. More important, these records will help you, as a business owner, determine whether you are on track to achieve success. Important records include:

  • Accounting System and Auditors
  • Records for Monitoring Sales Activity
  • Other Marketing Records


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