The Importance of Planning for Small Business Marketing

by Sep 4, 2008Marketing, Strategy | Entrepreneurship2 comments

Marketing Planning is more important to a small business than to a large company according to small business marketing expert, Nate Stockard. He believes larger companies have more leeway to make mistakes in their marketing campaign while small companies can blow their budget with one mistake if proper planning is not done.

I have always believed planning made a difference, regardless of the size of the budget. As a Brand Manager at Bryant, I always had less funds then the Carrier team,  so we spent more time planning and finding creative ways to get noticed. The result was that our awareness grew significantly faster.

Since we couldn’t afford to buy big ads, we worked harder to develop stories about our products nationally and our dealers locally that would run in the paper and on the radio next to the ads Carrier bought. Buying an advertisement is easy, getting a story placed takes planning, but there is a pay off!

That same strategy is an integral part of my marketing today as a small business owner.

What about you? How much planning do you do?

Need help with your marketing plan? Roundpeg can help!