blog success kit
Blog Post Planner
Content Calendar
Blogging Basics Workbook
what’s in this kit:
Blog Post Planner – A successful blog is filled with a steady stream of keyword rich, well written, relevant content that is properly categorized. Sometimes, writing a 500-word post is the easy part. This checklist will help you manage the other steps.
Content Calendar – This simple one-page spreadsheet is a great tool to help you stay on track with your content marketing all year long. No matter how big or small your content program, a well-organized calendar will help you be proactive.
Blogging Basics – Let us show you: what to write about, how to build a calendar and use content you already created elsewhere.
bonus resources:
#328 - Creating Content With Jennifer Riley Simone
blog post
Content Calendar 101
Sometimes we can get so involved with the newest and shiniest, that we forget about basics. But the basics are your foundation. They’re what a business can build off of, and they’re incredibly important to master. READ MORE
marketing moves fast
It’s hard to stay current and still run a business. Let us help you stay up-to-date with tips, tools, trends, and training.

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