We recently recorded our 300th episode of our podcast More than a Few Words. and I thought it would be fun to listen to some of my favorite episodes from our early days. First, a little bit of history.
We started the podcast in 2010 with a few interviews with friends. In the beginning, MTFW was a live program, with listeners calling in. The ups and downs of live programs can be challenging, and so we switched to a format where we pre-recorded the episodes. It does take away the spontaneity, but it also reduces my stress level.
We have experimented with the length of the program. Initially, we tried to follow the format of a radio show with a rigid 30-minute time slot, but what we found was some topics really only required a few minutes. So today, instead of trying to “fill time” we let the programs run long enough to address one topic. Typically that is somewhere between 10 and 12 minutes which makes the content easy to consume on a walk or a quick car ride between meetings.
After letting the podcast languish a bit in 2015 and 2016, we relaunched the weekly format in June of 2017. As in the past, some shows feature the team at Roundpeg and others include industry experts and friends. Each show covers a topic we hope will be relevant to our small business podcast audience. Even if you are now a regular listener, you probably haven’t heard some of my favorite shows from our archives. Here are just a few.
Your Ideal Client with Matt Nettleton
In 2010 I was working with sales coach, Matt Nettleton. I loved his direct, no-nonsense approach to building my business. He challenged me to think about my business and my customers in different ways. One of the most powerful lessons was the difference between my average customer and my ideal customer.
The average customer is the client I attract now. But the ideal customer is the kind of client I want to do business with. Focusing on ideal companies has helped me grow my business over time. Not sure about the difference? Listen to my short conversation with Matt.
I Will Not Be Run Over by the Economy
Some of the most popular episodes of More than a Few Words were the motivational pieces like this one. In early 2010 we were beginning to emerge from one of worst economic downturns in my lifetime. It was easy to feel as if I had been run over by the economy. There I am minding my own business, driving my business down the road when along comes the economy moving full speed ahead in a downward direction.
It was easy to make excuses and let the impact slow me down. But I had big plans so I knew I couldn’t let external factors like the continued sluggish performance of the economy distract me from my goals and objectives. Much of the message in this episode is still relevant today.
Lessons from the Ninja Turtles
We often found business lessons in the strangest places. In this episode of More than a Few Words, we talked about the DISC personalities of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Yes the conversation is lighthearted, but informative as well.
Business Networking and Sex, It is Not What You Think
Even after all these years, this particular episode is one of our most downloaded. Maybe it is the title, but I think it is also the lively interview with Hazel Walker.
Like what you heard? You can find most of the original episodes in our blog archive, simply search for MTFW and find new episodes of More than a Few Words wherever you listen to podcasts.