Brand Builder Kit

What’s included:

Build Your Brand Kit
Brand Enhancement Package

MMR BrandEnhancementPackage VideoGraphic 1


Podcast: Your Brand is More than a Logo –  Listen Now
Blog Post: How Textures and Patterns Elevate Your Brand – Read Now


Brand Builder Kit

MMR BrandEnhancementPackage VideoGraphic

What’s included:

Build Your Brand Kit
Brand Enhancement Package
Podcast: Your Brand is More than a Logo –  Listen Now
Blog Post: How Brand Textures and Patterns Elevate Your Brand – Read Now

What’s in this kit

White papers:

Build Your Brand Kit – Take Control of Your Brand. Why you need a brand kit. Your brand defines how customers think and feel about your company. Your logo, color, font, icons and the images you use all come together to create that impression.

Brand Enhancement Package – In today’s brand saturat­ed world, this requires more than just having a logo. Your logo, colors, graphics and icons must work together to create consistent visual identity.

A brand enhancement is the perfect next step for companies with a solid logo they are using consistently, but without clear guidelines for additional elements. The brand enhancement package creates a cohesive and organized style guide that is easy to implement in all your marketing and sales materials, on and offline.


Podcast : Your Brand is More than a Logo

Your brand is what you want people to think about your company, and feel about your company. The logo, color, and font choices should all support the impression you want to create. 

Blog Post: How Patterns and Textures Elevate your Brand

The key to a successful brand is a consistent visual identity. To put it simply, in order to gain brand recognition you have to look like you, regardless of where you’re being represented. This is achieved by using your brand’s logo, colors and icons consistently. Read More


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