Happy Holidays from the ‘Peg
So 2014 is almost over. It has been a year of ups and down, lots of wonderful hellos and sad goodbyes, good food, fun road trips, some art projects which only resulted in minor injuries, great work for clients and lots of laughter along the way. If you haven’t been following our adventures, here’s a little of what you missed.
Hello and Goodbye
After four years as the guardian of the voice of Roundpeg, Allison left to try her hand at different types of writing. Rookies Anne and Jarred have slipped into their roles bringing our personality to life on our blog, Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
Web design intern Emily came and went way too quickly, but before she left she helped us push the boundaries of what we could do for clients. Newcomer Sara has some big shoes to fill.
Road Trips
We love hanging out at the little white house, but every now and then we need to get out for a bit of inspiration and fun. This year our road trips included more than a few jaunts to the yogurt shop, runs to the new Kolcahe Factory location in Carmel, a visit to the Speedway for Carb Day and the IMA to see the Georgia O’Keefe exhibit.
Arts and Crafts
Some days I am not sure if I am running a marketing firm or a preschool. Crayons, markers, colored paper and scissors are required office supplies at the ‘Peg. This year we transformed our snow covered table into a snownut, made flowers at the first sign of spring, paper airplanes on a sunny summer afternoon, and traditional hand turkeys for Thanksgiving.
There was pumpkin carving and a a chance to combine our love of arts and crafts with a community service project. We spent a morning making paper flowers at the Peace Learning Center. There were hot glue guns, scissors and lots of paper. The flowers were pretty and I escaped with only minor burns.
The Work
In between the adventures and the crafts, we had a chance to do some amazing work including logo designs for new products, contests which generated hundreds of responses, and exciting websites which helped clients put their best foot forward.
The Cats
Clyde and Truman got new chairs this year. Well, they were supposed to be for our new team members, but as soon as the cats saw those soft curved surfaces, they knew the chairs were purchased especially for them.
So another year has come and gone and we are looking forward to what the new year will bring. Wishing all of you a happy holiday season,
With much love,
Team ‘Peg
got a project?
Whether you need a new website or some help with your social media we are ready to start the conversation.