There are almost 2,300 posts on this blog. Every week we add seven or eight more on topics we think small business owners need to know about: marketing, social media, networking, web design, strategy and team building. Some posts are serious and some are informative; some are sentimental, and every now and then we even throw a rant in.
Everyone at Roundpeg shares the job of writing posts. The mixture of voices, opinions and skills has created a blog which really represents who we are as a company.
Although I watch our statistics daily to see which posts get the most traffic and conversation, not every post is a winner out of the gate. Sometimes there’s a sleeper which steadily attracts views and comments week in and week out. It’s always fun to look back at the end of the year to see which new posts were the most popular.
In case you missed them, here is a list of some of the most popular posts of 2012:
1. In January, Allison stirred up quite a bit of controversy with her post Indianapolis Social Media: Way More than 46
2. Much less controversial was my The Marketing Calendar: A One Page Guide to Success
3. Allison also offered sound advice Knowing When to Walk Away: Dealing with Anger Online
4. Jenna made us laugh with her Font Swap. This post was one of the first on our blog to drive significant traffic from Pinterest, as everyone was curious about that odd Google logo
5. A follow up to Font Swap was Color Swap. I still laugh whenever I see the Nickelodeon splotch in blue
6. My simple suggestion to make the web more social again in If You Love Something Let it Go attracted quite a few visitors as well
7. Facebook launched new timeline images this year, and quite a few people wanted to see Jenna’s 8 Facebook Brand Timelines You Need to See
8. The series of posts related to our social media survey all generated strong interest, but rather then list them individually I am going to link to the report summary
9.. Although we didn’t take a stand on the election, Peter definitively had strong opinions about the candidates’ websites in Website Wars: Obama vs Romney.
10. And finally a sentimental piece written for our ten year anniversary Ten Years Ago Today…