Hard to imagine that we are just shy of the middle of November. Seems like we’ve had a normal Indiana week of wait an hour and the weather will change. Pretty sure that these last few warm Fall days are soon to be over as the colder winter weather moves in.
We’ve had to turn the heat on at the Roundpeg headquarters but that doesn’t mean we’ll be hibernating this winter. We’re busy with client work as well as strategizing for 2012. If you’ve not had a chance to read our blog this week, this is what you missed:
Saturday – The Faces of Roundpeg: Rebecca, the Other Mom
How lucky (or burdened) are we at Roundpeg to have 2 moms on duty?
Growing Up and Moving On
Sharayah explains why it’s her turn to say good bye.
Sunday – Dealing with Negative Social Media Comments
Allison explains why it’s better to have a social media presence and how to handle the negative comments that so many business owners fear.
Monday –Build Awareness with Twitter Contest
Slight adjustments allow traditional marketing methods to be Twitter friendly.
Tuesday – How to Discipline Your Boss
Allison doesn’t advocate violence but shares her experiences with Lorraine and their common goal of making Roundpeg better.
Wednesday – High Five! Building Customer Loyalty With the Power of ‘Thank You’
Guest blogger, Chris Wallace, reminds us that not only are there many ways to say ‘thank you’ but that such a simple phrase can reap huge rewards in customer loyatly.
Thursday – Use RFP’s to Interview Your Clients
Vicki Bohlson, guest blogger, explains the request for proposal and how to participate in the process in a way which helps you determine if the project is right for you.
Friday – Why Google+ Sucks (But We’ll All Use it Anyway)
Allison doesn’t mince words as she shares her opinion on the new Google+ business pages.