Is it spring yet? The weather keeps teasing us with bursts of warm, then bursts of cold, but I think it may finally be here to stay. At least I hope so, because my flowers won’t tolerate another burst of cold weather.
But even if the warm weather ebbs and flows, you can always count on a steady flow of interesting content here on Business Notes from Roundpeg. If you have missed any of our posts this week, here is a quick recap.
Saturday – Wordstream Creates Key Word Research Tool
Wordstream has just launched a new Keyword Research Kit. It’s a completely free download that includes a lot of great content related to keyword research. Lorraine provides the link for you to check it out.
Sunday – A Few Conversations with Sycamore Commercial Lending
Lorraine enjoys finding out behind the scenes information about small business’ history. Check out her podcasts with the owners of Sycamore Commercial Lending.
Monday – May 10: Social Media at 25 & 50
Are those over 50 able to use the new communication style? Can twenty somethings improve the bottom dollar using Social Media tools. Not content to keep the discussion in house any longer, Allison and Lorraine will be looking for your input on May 10.
Tuesday – Words, Words, and More Words
Yes, the look of your website is important but don’t forget that the copy has to support the pretty pictures.
Wednesday – Taking Your Marketing Off the Streets
Just like “street smart” indicates you how to get things done, with a common sense, no nonsense approach to life, “street marketing” indicates that you know how to spend your marketing dollars to reach your target customer.
Thursday – Social Networking: More Than the Big Three
Right now, Social Networking is done primarily through Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Are you keeping your ear to the ground to see what the next tool will be?