About three weeks ago I wrote a post entitled Small Business Marketing, Small Business Marketing, Small Business Marketing. In it I compared different strategies of driving traffic to your web site.
One strategy is to stay focused on a specific theme. I decided to give this concept a try. So from Feb. 7 – Feb. 23 (With the exception of a special post on Valentines Day) I wrote about business planning every day.
The results are mostly positive.
- I have a great library of content to share with clients and prospects.
- I saw an improvement on my placement on searches for key words such as “small business planning Indianapolis” and “business plan Indianapolis”
- Lots of cross traffic between related posts, so this improved my time on site statistics
- Increase in registrations for my Business Plan eCourse and my Business Plan Seminar
The one downside? My overall traffic numbers were down slightly. What this seems to indicate is one of several things
- Maybe I picked the wrong topic to use as my central core. Perhaps there isn’t as large a population among my readers who are interested in business planning as I hoped. However, the cross traffic does indicate there is a solid niche so planning needs to stay as part of the mix. To test the topic theory, I may try another string of related posts, on a different topic.
- My readers like diversity. So if I want to continue to expand my readership, perhaps I need to continue to diversify my offerings to appeal to a wider range of interests among small business owners.
- Maybe, my readers missed the different voices of my team. Since each of the team; Jay, Michelle, Allison and Taylor each have a different perspective and following, bringing back more of their ideas may drive our numbers more than a single key word. And while I am at it, I may look for a few more guest posts as well.
So look for a few more experiments over the next few weeks and give me some feedback on what you think will get more readers engaged.
As always, please don’t hesitate to contact Roundpeg, an Indianapolis web design company, if you have any questions.