The other night, I was driving home, and heard an unusual radio advertisement for Constant Contact.  What was unusual was not the advertisement itself, but the fact that my favorite email marketing tool was advertising their services on the radio.

But the more I thought about it, the more I realized this was brilliant.  It was completely in line with what I tell my clients all the time: combine on and off-line marketing to reach a wider audience.

As a reseller of Constant Contact, and today received a note from them which proved to me it was part of a much larger, well thought out campaign.  They explained:

… we launched a national radio campaign to raise awareness and create interest for email marketing. We’ve selected networks and stations around the country to reach our target SMB audience at effective times during the day.

The ad was part of a much larger strategy and with it, was encouragement to resellers like me to boost our on-line efforts to reinforce the radio commercials.  Brilliant all the way around.

And this on/off line strategy can work in your business as well.

Other Posts on this subject:

On-Line and Off-Line Work Together