“Dancing Robots called. They want us to do their branding.”
I love getting these kind of messages, because it usually means the beginning of a pretty interesting project. In this case Eddie, a friend of Lorraine’s, started an application development company and needed us to help him create the look and feel of his brand. I’ve never worked with this kind of company before, but I love a challenge, so I was excited to get started.
Going into the project, I knew there would be some obstacles, challenges and special circumstances to consider. In addition to the standard versions for web and print, I needed to create versions to be viewed on mobile devices as well as scaled down avatars for social media and the app store.
For mobile devices, every app needs an app icon and a launch image. A launch page is the screen you see when you open an app, as it’s loading. These usually take up the entire screen.
There were size limitations to consider as I designed the icon, because on the home screen of most smartphones, icons are typically only about 114 pixels wide . With such a small size, simplicity was key in order to make the greatest impact.
The creative direction was “fun, clean and simple,” with a literal interpretation of the company name. I designed several dancing robots, and after a few rounds of changes and adjustments, Eddie and I agreed on a style and simplicity level we liked. The final robots are detailed enough to be recognizable, but simple enough to be versatile and easy to resize.
The clean, modern, sans serif typeface called Opificio was perfect for the company name. This font is very open and airy, so it lends itself well to the small sizes needed for mobile devices.
I decided to use orange and blue because they’re complementary colors and play off each other really well. The blue is representative of the technology aspect of the company, and the orange not only lightens things up, but also gives the logo a more energized feel.
The whole design works together, and I can’t wait to see the finished product when Dancing Robots is officially launched.