Boosting Blog Performance
What do search engines use when they go fishing? Linkbait, ha.
And no, I’m not savvy enough to come up with such a great joke myself, but it’s nice to find humor in one of the most intimidating and impactful web topics. When I first began learning about SEO (search engine optimization), I was a little intimidated. There is just so much information out there to absorb about how to boost blog performance. From tips and tricks, must do’s, must avoid’s, and number tracking, it can all get a little crazy.
Research & Implementation
One thing I learned from SEO experts like Neil Patel and Brian Dean is that it requires many moving parts. If your site is running smoothly and has clear intention and purpose you will win clients, grow traffic and boost sales. But where do you start?
We decided to have a team roundpeg brainstorming session and identify our strengths, one being, our resources. Roundpeg has shared thousands of blogs dedicated to educating our community in everything marketing. So why not revisit these blogs published over the last few years and give them a much-needed tune-up, oil change, and whatever else you do to keep your car running smoothly. Let’s pop the hood!
Boost Blog Performance
When it comes to revisiting older blogs, there are so many fantastic ways to give them new life. Even if you have a successful blog on your site that’s only a couple of months old, you can always give it a refresher, because most likely there is something new to share.
Having a consistent blog schedule that pushes out new content along with strategic blog revisits can help your business maintain authority and boost your traffic and SEO. Here are tips that we have incorporated into blog updates that have increased our visibility and helped to re-engage our audience.
1. New Catchy Title
Use titles that include your keywords and sound interesting enough to click. Think of a phrase that your audience may search for to find your post. This is a small change but can be the perfect first step to boosting your blog.
2. New Text
Why do search engines hate watery oatmeal? Thin content, ha. Sometimes the only update a post needs is a bit more text. This is a simple and efficient way to keep your content relevant.
3. Internal & External Links
Internal linking can help improve search rankings but also improves the user experience. We like to use links that our readers would likely be interested in within our website. When thinking externally, link to authoritative (high-quality and well trusted) websites to increase your digital footprint and SEO.
4. Add a Podcast
Podcasting and blogging is a dynamic duo. If you have a podcast that has relatable information to your topic, this is a great way to promote both channels. Not only does it give your reader more valuable information but it can also make your blog look and feel more professional.
5. New Rich Snippets
Rich snippets allow search engines to better understand what information is contained on each web page. Adding Rich Snippets to your posts is more important than ever, with Google hinting it may decide to use structured data in its ranking algorithm someday. For more helpful info, check out Sam’s blog post about all things Rich Snippet!
6. New Blog Share
Featured images may be just as important as the title. You want to have an attractive graphic that invites your audience to click through and read more. Updated blog shares can be a fun way to keep content fresh and easily increase blog performance dramatically.
Final Thoughts
If you want to boost your SEO and blog performance, look no further than updating your old content. This is the perfect way to increase the traffic your website gets from search engines, and it’s guaranteed to make a huge improvement in how well your content ranks.
need help with your blog performance?
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Yes! Each piece of new content you create is another opportunity to rank for a target keyword related to your business. The more high-quality blogs you create, the wider the net you cast across your industry’s organic search results. Will blogging help SEO?
This content is brought to you by Roundpeg, an Indianapolis SEO company.