Three years is a long amount of time to describe as a frenzied blur, but as someone with a very loose hold on the chronology of past events and who works in an office with cats scurrying about, that seems to be the appropriate phrase when I look back.
When I showed up at Roundpeg’s doorstep, I had just moved to Indianapolis and needed a job. My primary strategy was bribery; I’d purchased some locally-roasted coffee beans to leave behind along with my portfolio. After some confusion and clarification that I had applied for the web design position, I was introduced to the lead designer who had a severe, suitable-for-New-York-chic aesthetic, topped by a tightly-woven bun. Jenna politely glanced through my portfolio and chatted with me before returning to her very busy day. I was hired after a formal interview, which is a bit shocking given Jenna doesn’t even drink coffee.
Peter actually turned out to be my supervisor, and never made me feel foolish for inundating him with questions and writing what little clumsy code I knew. Over time I turned it into a game, asking him questions about music and history and movies and pop culture, being amazed at the thoughtful and articulate response he always managed to give. If he didn’t know the answer he’d find it, which led to us discussing the economics and practicalities of the sandwich industry in the UK. Professionally, I learned how to listen to clients needs and read between the lines of what they actually needed and wanted, as well as respond to delicate situations with the right amount of tact necessary to maintain good client relationships. If I’m writing an email and in doubt, I consider how Peter would phrase it.
Curiosity turned into a theme that Lorraine always encourages and that has allowed me to grow in many ways beyond the role I was initially hired for. She gave me space to grow personally and professionally, as well as allowing me to step into the lead designer position when it was available and make it my own. For that and many other things I am incredibly grateful.
Rebecca always allowed me great expanses of her time to discuss whatever topic was on my mind or commiserate on life updates. Without her this place might literally be upside-down, or at least my car would be still stuck in lake Roundpeg after a party thanks to her kindness and AAA membership.
And oh the shenanigans. It’s impossible to leave Roundpeg without a better appreciation for hand-selected cheeses, various Oreo and chip flavors, or popsicle varieties enjoyed out on the deck on a sunny afternoon. We also paraded around downtown in various costumes in search of answers, made mozzarella, and even schemed to (successfully) steal back the Mona Lisa.
There are many quirks and facets to Roundpeg, but everyone settles into their place and learns to answer jeopardy questions fairly quickly, over time forming a cohesive team. It’s impossible to leave here without growing and becoming better, and as I move on to Columbus, Ohio, I’m grateful for all the lessons I’ll take with me.