Thanks for  helping us get to know Centerfirst.

We are looking forward to chatting with you.  We use to record the interview.  Zencastr  allows us to record the conversation easily so other members of the team will be able to review the conversation.

You will recieve an email with your specific link in the next 24 hours.

The softward is straightforward to sign in and no special download is required. It does, however, run best on Google Chrome. At the end of the conversation, your locally saved file will upload to the server. DO NOT close your browser until the software says you can. It should only take about 30 seconds.

If you have any questions, please reach out to  317-569-1396

The interviews will be conducted by one of the Roundpeg team members.

New lorraine 2019 1

Lorraine Ball

Marketing Strategist

TaLeah Schoetmer

TaLeah Schoetmer

Graphic Design


Sam Von Tobel

Digital Media Strategist


Staci Seber

Social Media Specialist

What to Expect During the Call

We expect the conversations will take about 30 minutes. And while each interview will be slightly different here are some of the typical questions we will include to kick off the conversation:

  • What do you do?

  • How long have you worked at Centerfirst?

  • What drew you to Centerfirst?

  • What’s your favorite part of your job?

  • Why do customers work with Centerfirst?

  • What makes Centerfirst uniquely qualified to solve their problems?