More than a Few Words
A marketing conversation for business owners.Julie Kratz
Pivot Point
Episode # 294 - How to Find and Be a Male Ally
Julie Kratz, a highly-acclaimed leadership trainer, speaker, and author joined us for a conversation about women leaders and male allies. She is the founder of Pivot Point an organization devoted to developing leaders.
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As a coach, Julie works with women, helping them figure out the answer to the question What’s Next. In the first half the show we talked about figuring out your next step. The process begins with three simple questions:
- What are your strengths?
- What do you enjoy?
- Where do your strengths and passions overlap?
Discover Your Pivot Point
- What are your strengths? Don’t just focus on your job titles. Look deeper and find the tasks and challenges you have handled with ease over the years. When I look back at my roles over the years, my titles were always marketing related, but one of the things I was really good at was building high-performance teams. Julie suggests that It makes sense for me to look for ways to include some of those activities in my business.
- What do you enjoy? If you could anything all day long, what would it be? Not sure? Think about your “best days” the ones where you go home at the end of the day with more energy than when you left the house. What did you do that day which made you feel that way.
- Where do your strengths and passions overlap? If you are very lucky, the things you are really good at are also the things you are passionate about. If they aren’t, you may find a lack of satisfaction in your job, even when you are really successful. As you plan your next steps look for ways to bring the two elements together.
Male Allies
Successful women know they can’t do it alone. If you are hoping to rise up through the ranks of a corporate world or breakthrough in an entrepreneurial community, you need allies. People who will help you tell your story and take the next step.
While women are an important part of your network, so are men. While we hope to move to a more balanced workforce, the truth is there are still lots more men at the top than women. So how do you find a strong male ally?
- We talked about what they are – supportive, but not necessarily a white knight.
- Why women need them – because there are still too few women in leadership positions.
- What is in it for men – being a male ally has benefits for everyone involved.
If you would like to know more about this topic, Julie has just published ONE: How Men And Women Partner For Gender Equality! Order your copy today.