I know, you are busy. You don’t always have time to stop by the Roundpeg website even though we share new information daily.
We don’t want you to miss out on all the new and interesting information we have been sharing on social media, web design, inbound, email and content marketing, strategy and more. That’s why today’s blog post is a half year greatest hits. These are the most popular blog posts we have written this year.
Is Twitter Dying?
This is a question that gets kicked around every time Facebook launches a new feature or there’s some other shake up in the world of social media. So in January, Sam asked this question and outlined ways small business owners can leverage this very much alive tool:
Facebook tops the list
In our annual social media study, we discovered a significant shift to Facebook. So it made sense to write a series of posts about the platform, especially some of the newer tools. In this post, Sam shares some of the tricks to taking advantage of the Facebook Slide show which has definitely become one of my favorite features, especially for our food clients.
Intelligent Website Design
Yes, we want you to hire us to update your existing website or design a new one for you. But it is really important to us that you come into the interaction informed about the process, the costs and what your responsibilities will be. In this post, Peter shares a list of questions you should be asking to help you allocate the right amount of money for your web design.
While we are still on the topic of web design, Peter took a look at one often overlooked element of every website, the footer. Sure it is at the very bottom of the page, but that doesn’t mean it’s not important. As a matter of fact, it is often where visitors go when they can’t immediately find what they are looking for in the navigation. Here are a few tips to keep it clean, concise and helpful.
A Little Graphic Design Humor
Rounding out our top five was a fun post from Jenna about some of her favorite weird stock photography images. We will miss her warped sense of humor as she moves on to her next adventure, but this post and many of the others she has shared over the years will keep us laughing for a long time to come.
If you enjoyed today’s blog post roundup and would like to keep up, one way to do it is to sign up for our email newsletter. Every week we will deliver a quick summary of two or three posts on a related topic. Never miss another post, sign up today.
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