2019 Study Results
Every year, since 2010 we have surveyed small business owners and marketers about their content and social media strategies. This year our study included responses from 202 businesses. The results are in for 2019 and there are lots of interesting changes and trends emerging this year.
How do your internet marketing strategies compare?
We asked questions about how much time they were spending on social media, what they wanted to accomplish, where they were advertising, how often they created new blog posts and newsletters and how they measured the results of their efforts.
What’s New in 2019:
In 2010 there was optimism that online marketing would solve every problem a small business owner faced if they simply participated, everywhere. In recent years, we have seen business owners take a more realistic view.
- Shift to use as a broadcast tool – Once considered a place to make connections and gather information, firms are relying more on digital marketing for outbound broadcasting and advertising.
- Decline in overall usage – Business owners are relying on social media and content less for business operations such as lead generation, building professional networks, and customer service.
- Decline in ROI measures – While business owners say they are measuring ROI, when we dive into the data they are actually measuring less.
- Rise of Instagram – While not yet as dominant as Facebook or LinkedIn, Instagram has booted Twitter out of the number three spot.
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