What’s included:
Complete Guide to Healthy Networking
Social Networking Guide
Podcast – Listen Now
Video: Complete Guide to Healthy Networking
Networking Guide
What’s in this kit
During a multi year research study Hazel Walker and Frank De Raffele, Jr made some surprising discoveries about the role gender plays a role in networking activities.
Their results are published in the book Business Networking and Sex. We were lucky to have them join us for a lively conversation on Valentines Day a few years ago.
White papers:
Social Networking Guide – There are lots of powerful business connections you can make from behind your desk if you follow this simple process. Our 12 Step Social Media Process helps you decide when, where, why and how to use social networks for business.
Complete Guide to Healthy Networking – Business opportunities start with a simple hello. Building great relationships is the key to any successful business but it takes time and effort. Eliminating the trial and error of networking can help you build better relationships faster.
Confessions of a Networking Junkie – Are you addicted to social media? In limited doses Social Media is good for you, but without a plan you can find yourself wasting hours every day. Discover how you can manage your addition and grow your business.