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You need a Facebook business page. Representing your business on Facebook in today’s world is an absolute must. If you regularly read our blog, I think we have reiterated this sentiment in just about every way imaginable. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, there really is no reason why your business should not have a page.

Facebook is one of the first places fans or prospective customers will go to learn more about you. It also lets you connect directly with fans and customers to help answer questions and offer regular updates about your business.

However, if you are going to be on Facebook (and you should) you need to make sure you do it right and set up a Facebook business page. A regular old profile page will not cut it.

“But Sam,” you may protest. “Making a regular profile is so much easier! There are less things to fill out and the verification is annoying. I can just put my business information in the About section, right? And all I really want to do is post stuff, which I can do just as easy. I don’t need a business page!”


Shame on you for even considering that notion! Take your business seriously. Beside the fact that Facebook will actively try to take your page down, nothing looks more amateurish than a business without a Facebook business page. It sends the message that you like to cut corners and tells me and your customers that you may not care all that much (both qualities people look for in a business… not.)

More over, a Facebook business page offers so much more to the business owner running it than a standard page. If you aren’t taking advantage of these tools, you are putting yourself at a disadvantage to your competitors and in your market.

Here are just some of things a Facebook business page can do that a regular page can’t.

Audience Optimization

When you set up your account, you’ll be given the opportunity to select your target demographic. This will let Facebook help your page reach those who are most likely to be interested in your business or product. In turn, your page has a better chance of growing and attracting new followers and customers. All pretty useful things, wouldn’t you say? Especially for a small business or start-up.

Better Information

A business page allows you to give company or store information in an easy to consume format. There is a location for posting your hours, location, services, website and phone number. Heck, if you are a restaurant you can even post your menu. If visitors have any questions, they can find the answer easily. Visitors will also still have the ability to send direct messaging to the page operator.

Unique Posts Facebook posting options

While you can post just as easily on a regular page, a Facebook business page gives you access to a plethora of unique posting options and tools. In addition to just posting status updates, pictures and videos, you can try your hand at slideshows, carousels, canvases and notes. Facebook’s algorithm rewards those who play its game, so experimenting with these different posts is rewarding in more than just one way. Business pages also let you post jobs and create events.


Don’t just post things; understand your posts! Facebook business pages give you access to in-depth analytics of your posts and your page’s performance. You can see how many people a post reached and how many people interacted with it to determine their overall success. Armed with this knowledge, you can plot out the direction of future posts. Analytics also lets you see where you stack up to other similar businesses in your market.


Perhaps the biggest game-changer for business pages is the ability to advertise. A relatively small investment into Facebook advertising can yield a high reward. Whether it is directing people to your website, increasing your community size (page fans), increasing brand awareness or any other of the objectives you can choose from while building your campaign, you can accomplish the same results of advertising over another medium at a fraction of the cost. Learn a little bit more about the costs of advertising here.

The reasons for building a business page are overwhelming and staggering! If you aren’t sure where to start, download our Social Media Starter Kit or give your friends at the ‘Peg a call.

Social Media Starter Kit