The Annual Holiday Letter
It seems as if I was just putting the finishing touches our 2014 holiday letter and here we are at the end of 2015. The year has flown by, with lots of changes and lots of growing pains here at the ‘Peg. So as the year winds down I thought it would be fun to take a look back, before we look ahead.
Hello, Goodbye, Hello, Hello, Hello
We said goodbye to Anne, Sara and Jarred and wish them well as they continue their careers. We welcomed Jennifer, Leisha, Taylor and Cherilyn to the Roundpeg team. Some of you may remember Whitney. He is now back as a full time member of the Roundpeg Team after finishing school. We also enjoyed having interns Natalia and Brad spend a few months with us, appreciated their contributions while they were here and miss them now that they are gone.
If you haven’t had a chance to get acquainted with some of our new team members, swing by the Meet the Team page, follow them on Twitter or check out some of their blog posts.
The Feline Staff
We said a sad farewell to Truman, our gangsta kitty. He wasn’t here all that long but he left big shoes for our new kitty, Benny to fill. And speaking of Benny, he is a chatty, busy, cuddly boy who settled into our lives and our laps. While Clyde pretends not to like him, I think she is a fond of our new boy as well.
Growing Pains
With all the new people (and animals) life was getting a bit cramped in the little white house. Our first thought was to move, but let’s face it where would we find another cat-friendly office with an outdoor conference room, so we decided to stay and remodel.
In Phase 1 we knocked down the garage to increase the number of parking spaces. We made the kitchen smaller since we don’t really do much cooking here (except for the occasional microwave meal). The bath tubs are gone (sorry guys you will have to shower at home now) which allowed us to make room for a second bathroom upfront.
The dust is settling and we are almost ready to start working on Phase 2 which will expand the bull pen area in the back, remove walls between offices and replace them with sliding doors. There’s been lots of dust and lines at the bathroom which will all be worth it when we are finally done.
Food Glorious Food
While we have had lots of changes, one thing which has remained the same is our love of food, all types of food. In addition to monthly cheese days, donuts or cupcakes for birthdays and the occasional lunch out we love stepping up to a food challenge. This year we faced off against the Jelly Belly Bean Boozled Game and the Doritos Roulette Challenge. There was also ride in a giant shopping cart which is kind of food related
The Work
In between the food adventures and the construction we have had a chance to do some amazing work including logo designs for new products, contests which generated hundreds of responses and exciting websites which helped clients put their best foot forward.
So another year has come and gone and we are looking forward to what 2016 will bring. Wishing all of you a happy holiday season,
With much love,
Team Roundpeg
Is your marketing going in the right direction? Start 2016 by clarifying your goals with a new position statement.