It is almost November, and there are just two months left in 2015. So, how will the year end for your business? Will it be flat or your best year ever? You have the power to decide.
As I talk with many small business owners, I get the feeling they are writing off the rest of the year. Don’t fall in to that trap! There are two solid months left and you can control how you finish the year by the effort you put in now.
I get it, there are lots of distractions in November and December. Holiday parties, family trips and visitors, and the first snap of cold weather which seems to kick off the beginning of the cold and flu season. Even if you are working as hard as you can your customers have kicked into holiday mode, with multiple out of office messages, and promises to start that important project after the first of the year.
So what can you do to end the year with a bang?
Get out and network. This city is filled with other business owners who are not yet ready to toss in the towel. Revisit a few groups you haven’t made time for all year or check out community calendars for events you have never attended. Commit to attending three events before the end of the year.
Get on the phone. Now is a great time to reconnect with former clients and referral sources you haven’t had a chance to visit with. A simple holiday greeting is a great conversation starter. Don’t try to use these calls to hard sell. Keep them casual and conversational. The object is to put your company back on their radar screen. You will be surprised how often a business opportunity arises from these casual chats
Create a special end of year promotion. I am not suggesting you drop your prices to buy business, simply create an incentive for people to commit now. Consider an email which says our prices go up on January 1st, buy now and save or offer a discount to clients who prepay for all of 2016. The benefit of cash in hand and a full year commitment will more than balance the prepayment discount
Start planning for 2016. While this won’t help you end this year stronger, it will help you get your house in order for next year. Schedule a few half day planning sessions, with your employees, your advisers, or just yourself. Review your financials, take a hard look at where you are and what needs to change for you to really hit your stride. Looking for some worksheets? Download our strategic planning package to get you started.
Learn something new! If you want new ( and better) output, maybe you need a little new input. We have a terrific lineup of seminars filled with practical tips you can apply right away so you are sure to finish strong!
Pick the topics which interest you and sign up now!
We have a great line up of seminars scheduled between now and the begining of December. These short, lively programs are part networking and part education. And thanks to our sponsors, all these marketing seminars are free but reservations are required so be sure to grab a seat for you, and one for a friend.
And if the days and times don’t work for you, that’s ok, we have recordings of our webinars which you can watch at your convenience.
Too busy to attend a live sesssion of our marketing seminars or perhaps it is simply too far to drive? No problem! We have webinar recordings of all our programs.
Of course it isn’t as good as being in the room live, but it is convenient. So check out a few of the programs now, and plan to join us for a live event later.