Crafting a hard-hitting and time appropriate tweet can be hard work. There have been several examples of inappropriate and poorly timed posts to social media from giants spanning all industries. We’re talking companies with well-trained teams of media experts (I’m looking at you, McDonalds). Using good sense and staying true to brand personality helps promote a good social presence. I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite social media moments to take a closer look at how businesses are making the most of social interactions.
Oreo Cookie– Oreo Cookie may have had the best, and quickest response to the 2013 SuperBowl power-outage. Their perfectly timed tweet is a great example of asserting brand personality and getting people involved in the conversation. Now, not every social interaction is going to be retweeted over 15,00 times, but being available to interact on a personal level goes a long way. We can take a lesson from the successes and failures of some of the biggest social media moments and realize that in some cases, timing is everything.
Subaru – There is a lot to be said about a car company that takes to social media to encourage people to think about more than the product they are trying to sell. Having a clear mission and communicating that mission makes a lasting impression. Regardless of the subject or cause, taking to social media to encourage positivity humanizes a brand and allows the audience to connect on a personal level.
T-Mobile – The immediacy and direct channel to a company through social media makes it a valuable tool, that if used correctly can help solidify the brand and act as a public space to answer questions and resolve problems.
T-Mobile works hard to answer as many questions and concerns as possible. T-Mobile’s Facebook account answers 86% of all questions asked on their Facebook page at an impressively fast response rate. This is a huge accomplishment considering how many social interactions they recieve daily, across multiple platforms. Being available to answer questions and assist in problem solving are great ways to gain trust and open lines of communication.
These are just a few examples of how some brands have used the power of social media to their advantage. Using social platforms to bridge the communication gap is beneficial to both the audience and communications professionals. These cases give us insight into what people are looking for when interacting with a brand. Take note of these examples, and apply them when appropriate to gain trust, improve brand perception and open up two-way communication with audiences.