Some of your marketing effort should be focused on people who are right on the verge of a purchase and have made their intentions known. Do you have systems in place to make sure they jump towards the big “Purchase Now” button?
In this episode, Lorraine and Jarred finish their series on moving leads through your sales process. The conversation revolves around the end of your sale- nudging the leads who are on the verge of a purchase into a decision. They also teach you different ways to continue marketing to these leads after the sale, promoting other products, discounts and seasonal sales.
- Nudging leads towards a sale means adding a personal touch. Be available to answer all questions and ease the buying process.
- Not all leads are worth pushing off the fence. Measure which ones are worth the time and effort to convert, and let the rest go.
- Ask the right questions at this phase of the funnel to make sure your customer is buying exactly what they want. Make the experience enjoyable.
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