More and more companies are jumping into the content game, cluttering in-boxes and news feeds. How do you compete to be sure your content is seen, read, liked and shared?

In this episode, Lorraine and Jarred discuss the overwhelming and inevitable tsunami of content barreling down on the Internet as more and more brand. marketers, and advertisers adopt content based strategies. They touch on doing research and sourcing to figure out where your competitors aren’t and taking new approaches to your current content to get ahead of the flood.


  • In 2000, there were around 17 million websites. In 2014, you’re competing against nearly 700 million!
  • Seek out new channels for communication and mine untapped content veins in your industry
  • Bring something new to your audience with ever piece of content you create. Only publish your highest quality work

More than a Few Words is a marketing podcast for small business owners