So you had a few too many this year. And no amount of food helped. In fact, all of that holiday home cooking made your headache worse in the morning. Nothing like regaining consciousness, praying you prepped enough website content before the holiday to handle the next few days of recovery.
Whether you over-poured the libations or not, there’s a good chance you’re suffering from holiday overload. Work holds little appeal and you’re not quite ready to start on those New Year’s resolutions. Thing is, the Internet stops for no-one. Web traffic may have tanked while customers celebrated, but all of those opportunities are back online today, asking questions and looking for answers on your website.
Here to help you get back in the swing of things is the only guide you need to survive a rough holiday hangover.
Fatigue Fixers
After a long autumn season, you may think everything that could be written and shared has been done. How tragic the despair of a fatigued website owner! Woe is thy name, jaded reader!
Don’t give in to this sentiment. It’s true, everything’s been done before. But the good stuff is worth repeating. It can even help to look at (ancient) history for your next strategy. The main thing is to keep putting yourself out there, keep writing content only you can write. And put down the ‘nog.
Fuel your creative engines with a sampling of delicious and nutritious articles from these recommended blogs.
How to Quit Publishing Bad Content via Copyblogger
12 Things You Must Do After Writing a Blog Post via The Marketing Technology Blog
Fast Company’s Co.Design. – Posts throughout the day with cool products and innovative ideas.
Prescription for Perspective
December is a month of anticipation and celebration. It’s also totally a blur. And thinking about January makes my head hurt. What if you could easily plan and schedule your web content ahead of time?
Use the tools below to make a calendar and get a high-level view of your web content plans for the new year. Perspective good, whining about work, bad.
Easy Marketing Budget Tool – Plan before you spend with a free download from Roundpeg.
Editorial Calendar plugin for WordPress – Easy to use and install, this tool keeps our blog on track.
Free Blog Post Planner and Calendar – Print out these planners to jump-start your monthly planning.
Glass Dry Erase Board – Look smart mapping your strategy with this transparent brainstorming board.
Tonic for Tremors
Having trouble holding it all together? Not sure what your next step is on the web? We’ve got plenty of other resources to help you make the most of your marketing. Try our collection of free downloads, attend one (or all) of our marketing webinars, and make sure you subscribe to our weekly podcast More Than A Few Words.