Nah. I don’t need a blog. What would I talk about? And anyway, who cares what my business has to say? We’ve got a website we last updated in 2007; that’s good enough.

Sound familiar? If so, it’s time to get up to speed. Blogging is a viable marketing strategy for almost any business now. Why blog?

  • Feed search engines more of the content they’re looking for
  • Keep your customers up-to-date on information that matters to them
  • Wow prospects with your expertise
  • Help create a sense of community for your employees
  • Give customers and prospects alike a reason to come back to your website
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. For more information on the whys and how-to’s of blogging, download our free eBook below. It’s stuffed full of practical tips for small business owners considering starting their own blogs, including a full explanation of why you, yes you, need a blog.

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