For a change of pace, a bit of inspiration or an intermission in my day, I watch videos from They range from interesting, thought provoking and funny to completely over my head or simply inspirational. I love that I can sort the videos and pick something that fits my mood and the amount of time I am willing to invest in that moment.

I found this one today, and and was inspired by the idea of adding 30 day challenges to your life. In this short conversation, Matt Cutts advocates that if there is something in your life you have always wanted to do, commit to it for 30 days

I found this idea particularly appealing as I am wrapping up the year and hoping to get a head start on my next year’s goals. So spend 3 1/2 minutes, watch the video and then pick something you want to work on for the next 30 days. Commit to it, then get going. What can you accomplish in 30 days?

My 30 day challenge was to spend 20 minutes a day, actively using LinkedIn, answering questions, commenting on discussions.   So far, I really like the results and think I will continue the routine long after my 30 days are up.